Every week I tell someone somewhere what my plans and goals are after I am done here in Zürich and every week my plans seem to change. I do not know what I want to do or where I want to end up, because truth is I want to end up everywhere and do EVERYTHING. I want to see more things and do more things and the more I think about it, working and living in a new country every year is, in my mind the best way to spend my early adulthood. I want to work and travel until I am so tired that I decide to mosey on home and make a life for myself there, if I find a place to truly call home (which right now is where my family is).
I know so many people that are graduating Uni and getting degrees, that may or may not be useful and, even though I would love to go to school and get a degree, I know that in the long run I won’t really use the degree to its full potential. Instead, I will probably continue on with my nomadic life and maybe return to school after I have kids and they are grown up and out of the house. Almost every person I graduated high school with went on to try and accomplish something bigger and better through college that can provide what they need. I consider the Earth my giant classroom.
Each step of the way I am learning something new, not only about the culture and environment of the countries I visit, but also myself. I have learned to fly by the seat of my pants, survive off of $50 for 10 days and I have also learned that I am absolutely and passionately in love with everything to do with having a nomadic life. There is something amazing about being alone and on my own. Traveling alone has allowed me to be completely 100% in my own head. I was so frightened of being alone when I first got here and now that I have learned the art of emotional writing and stress management, I cannot wait for the moment I sit down on that train or in that plane and just sit and contemplate. My ideas and wants and dreams float through my mind and I am usually writing them down after a certain point, making list, after list, after list.
From the first time I set foot on an airplane, I realized, that if I did nothing but travel for the rest of my life, I would be the happiest person on Earth. At first I figured that it was just a pipe dream and that it would never happen, but that was when money meant everything. Back then, my frame of mind was all about picking a career that would make me the most money. I never stopped to think about what I could do to make myself happy. I know now that I have found my calling and passion. I have to live in the here and now while I am young. I can’t worry about what everyone else is doing or thinking.
I was so proud of myself when I finally made my dreams of coming to Europe happen. I really had no idea what I wanted to do. I thought that I would just take a year to be Au-Pair and travel and after that year I would go home maybe go to school. With this, I would be happy and content. The thought of going back to Seattle makes me want to shed tears of joy and angst. I know that seeing my family would make me happy, but now that I have experienced the world a little more, I feel that traveling is just as much of a family member as my sister is. I know that if I were to go back home and have a normal everyday job I would be so completely empty and bored. I would not know what to do with myself.
That’s why I have decided to take another year here in Europe and just live my life and make myself happy! I am currently looking all over for a job. Germany has a lot of beautiful cities, but tomorrow I know Ireland will be just as appealing. My season here in Switzerland is almost up and I feel that in my heart. It is both sad and happy. I have made so many friends and I have had so many fun experiences. I wish I could go back and do it all over again. That’s why I am finding a new country to do it all over again in. I want to make new friends, keep the old, share my joys and experiences with them and, who knows, I might even be sharing from another continent next year … but let’s not get too ahead of ourselves.
So happy for you❤️
Riley, Follow your heart and your dreams. You will never be sorry. It is a beautiful world in which we live………see it all.
I love the spirit of adventure. You only have a small window of time to really do these things and you’re taking full advantage. Do it for as long as you can because it’s really building and shaping who you are more than you know. Proud of you!